Friday, June 26, 2009

michael jackson-gone too soon....

hey gurls!!
michael jackson the iconic pop star, died after going into cardiac arrest in UCLA Medical Plaza Angeles, California.
I woke up today and there was no current so i was listening to radio indigo-for something to do- when i heard the rj say she was playing the song 'black or white' in memory of the unreputed king of pop.
i was like"wtf!wen did he die?"..anyway i listened for awhile to confirm the news.i called a friend of mine and asked her to check the news channel to confirm because i still couldnt believe what the rj was saying.
Sadly it was true.I feel sad,really sad!I'm so confused right now..i'm not even able to convey wat i want to say.i'm so overcome with emotion.
Jackson probably died of a broken heart and a broken soul. ... He was a victim of the drug of celebrity and he was never trained to wean himself off it.The news of his death is so devestating and horrible..even the news about world crisis and recession didnt bother me all.
This is such a huge loss.There can never be another michael jackson.I grew up listening to his songs at home.Jackson probably died of a broken heart and a broken soul. ... He was a victim of the drug of celebrity and he was never trained to wean himself off it.
Jackson’s death brought a tragic end to a long, bizarre, sometimes farcical decline from his peak in the 1980s, when he was popular music’s premier all-around performer, a uniter of black and white music who shattered the race barrier on MTV, dominated the charts and dazzled even more on stage.
Singer and Jackson friend Liza Minnelli told Entertainment Tonight: 'He was a kind, genuine and wonderful man. He was also one of the greatest entertainers that ever lived. I loved him very much and I will miss him every remaining day of my life.'-i feel the same way ...

We love u michael and we all miss u a lot :( in peace!!


  1. I agree with you Su !
    He was the King Of Pop and there will never be anyone like him. I loved the Thriller video, its just classic.

    I am glad someone started a post dedicated to Michael Jackson's memory.
    May he Rest in Peace !

  2. I know..I just couldn't believe it.Spent the whole day watching vh1.Its just so sad.Despite what people may say about his tumultous personal life (and when I say people that's me included)there is just no denying the fact that he was a musical genius. He was the first african american entertainer to amass a strong crossover following on MTV.

    Every person growing up in the 80's listened to him and wanted to be him. Almost every R&B artist today has also in some way or the other been inspired by him.

    Its hard to imagine that the man who gave us classics like 'bad', 'billie jean','beat it' and many many more songs is no more.

    He was once voted as the most famous person in the world, a fact that was proven true when the tickets to his come back concert which was to be held in London next month was sold out in record time. It was hailed as his last concert appearance.

    His distinctive voice earned him an earth shattering eight grammies in a single year. He was also one of the few artists to be inducted ti the Rock and Roll hall of fame twice.

    Michael Jackson..the man who gave the world the moonwalk..'King of Pop' shall always rule!!...RIP

  3. Yeah...
    This is so messed up. No matter what, his music was awesome. And obviously his moonwalk ... And what a time, just before his final tour.
    It's sad,
    May he rest in peace!

  4. I can't say he will be in paradise...
    But let the king rest in peace...

  5. he cant be anywer else other than paradise!!

  6. its true...
    his "heal the world" was my favourite.Let him rest in peace...

  7. his 'heal the world' IS my favourite song...
    n he IS a legend even with his life so messed up..
    ya..its pretty hard to accept tat he's dad is playing a collection of all his songs rite now...n its slowly sinking in...
    it's really sad tat the king of pop....(because i think he really was)...tat he spent his life not being able to handle fame...n hes reportedly in a $500 million debt( he was worth about the same amt at the peak of his career..n to go into the same negative is a little ironic...dont u think?)....n its sad tat his kids probably won't inherit anything at all...n to think...his concerts were supposed to kick off next month...n even if he WAS going to lip-sync all of his watch him dance live in itself wud hav been worth all ur money..
    but....his music will certainly live on...n i hope he's in heaven....may he rest in peace<3

  8. I still cant believe he's not der with us nemore.. n now dat he's gone,he's gone for good!Looking back at his music..nothing can possibly beat his "Heal the World" n "Black or White"..all of his songs were is sad dat he had to go before his comeback tour..I'll miss him! :(
    May he Rest in Peace.

  9. King of POP, gone, just like that! Now this is tragedy which the whole world will mourn for, including me. His flaws really don't count when you consider the music he's left for us. Everybody makes mistakes, even Gods do! I will miss the magician of music who created a timeless era of his own. Let's keep that era going. Here's to all the MJ fans and the man himself!

  10. Death is the door,

    That opens into the heavens.

    Death is the cutter,

    That breaks the chains of life.

    Death is the bird,

    That flies us to freedom.

    Death is the potter,

    That crafts us as ethical.

    Death is the prophet,

    That takes us to God.
    RIP King Of Pop

  11. its been more than a week and it still hasn't hit me... even though i didnt worship him..i felt the emptiness... couldn't get myself to watch his service was just very upsetting! sure he's in the better place! :)
