Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hey guys! Alright if there's one thing I absolutely love (apart from James Morrison's voice) is being random. Randomness I think is very important in one's life, though I'm still trying to figure out how exactly. So everyone who's looking for answers to probably the most random question and haven't got one that is satisfactory..try asking your extremely smart and talented (and modest of course) classmates. I have hundreds of such questions one of the most pressing being why cupid shoots his arrows through a lovers heart? Won't it cause a hole in his/her heart and thereby lead to a heart attack rather than everlasting love...? Important question, just no answer. Any such burning questions you have shall all be looked into with great insight! So go right ahead..that's if you want to.


  1. The most burning question I wanting to ask is -

    "Why do people bitch at all ???" =)

  2. they bitch coz it burns their calories
    faster :P

    i wanted to knw why guys here in bangalore arent as hot as bryan greenbeerg(bride wars)

  3. Smart, talented, 'modest' classmates? :P
    Rithika, Cupid is a chubby, baby angel... in diapers.... There is no rationale!

  4. haha.... my question is : if a lady is pregnant and she bends, wont her baby fold ? =S

    haha.. Zip: people bitch because they need mouth exercise and whats the fun in it without some spice ??? ;-)

  5. rithika...nice post:)n wow....ur question...i havent really thot abt..but its thot-provoking..ive never thot of it tat way...but im thinking sumthing along the lines of-getting attacked by sumthin infectious ...

    kruthika--ppl bitch coz they don hav nything productive 2 do...they prolly hav boring tats y they get invovled in gossip n bitching abt others...!!!

    nikita--pregnant women arnt supposed 2 do a lot of bending...n i no this bcoz my cousin sis-in-law's pregnant...:)

    2 add to wat su said---y are all the hot guys taken or married, gay or dead???!!!!! really??!!!!!

  6. Because all the guys we know are just plain idiots !!Su this applies to your question to. =)

    @Nikita why are you so interested in what happens when a pregnant woman bends ???? *Evil grin*. And I agree with Sandhya on this one.

  7. argh!!this is not fair!!
    yes all the guys we knw just $#%&$^*%^%^)$(*##*#&$#& .whatever!!

    p.s: m frustrated!

  8. lol.... i was just wondering zip =P

  9. this is so interesting!!! :D :D!!! rit i totally agree with the whole love-to-be-random thing!!! hi5 here's to our random-ness!!! haha su good one :D!!!

  10. Here's to randomness! And its been scientifically proven that bitching is good for health so that is precisely why people bitch!And Sandhya to your question my answer is its the way of the world! It's one of natures' greatest unsolved mysteries!
