Monday, September 28, 2009

The following Posts are Vedika Toshniwal's ....enjoy!

One is born into this world as who they are and not by choice but because they are. Is it really fair to discriminate against a black man for being black? Firstly he didn't chose so and secondly he or she is just another person like everyone else. The colour of his skin does not determine who he is. We are all born not choosing where we want to be or who we want to be, so who we are or where we come from should not really affect the world or on the other hand affect us.

This is a topic that I have always wanted to discuss openly and see what others have to say about it. It's a more modern concept and I really think that every person must live in with the person they are planning to spend their entire lives with. It gives both of them a much clearer picture of each other and hence a better outcome of their lives. This concept may not be accepted by the older generations as this to them may seem inappropriate. Just this evening I spoke to send my mother about it and she was open to the idea as she also feels that it is very important to know the person one is going to have a life long commitment with. Where as if I asked my grandmother she would probably think that I am joking at first and then say no. I am completely in for live in relationships.

1 comment:

  1. vERy well written.. The reason why elderly people never comprehend is just because the so called generation gap...
