Saturday, August 15, 2009

Incredible India

You remember how every year during Independence day celebrations in school (at least in my school) there would be this one student or teacher who would give us this speech on 'The India of my dreams' and all of us sitting in our ethnic best would go "not again"! It's one of those speeches I know by heart sine somehow, magically everybody's dream India is if not exact then very similar to the Preamble of our constitution. In short it was the same thing said year after year, the only difference being the people who gave the speech.

So today, here is what I envision for India (this is my version of the speech which is not borrowed from the Preamble). I want an India where,

It's people realise that it's not okay to spit, litter and urinate wherever they wish to. You wouldn't do it abroad so why should your country be any different?

We get rid of our ' chalta hai' attitude. Stop being complacent and learn to stand up for what you believe in.

Everyone has the right to vote. So use it well. Why curse a Government that you had no hand in electing?

Women are treated with respect.

The youth stand up for their rights. It maybe just you against the world but at least you're doing something you believe in.

This is the India I want to live in. This is the India of my dreams.



  1. `be the change you want to see`...sounds cliche` i know..but well,thats the truth i guess...rithika i agree with all your points and have nothing more to add...would just like to say its time we all woke up against any kind of atrocities,its time we stood up to unjust behaviour,it time we started putting age old useless ideas that stil exist ....this deep slumber we are in could ultimately lead to us never pening our eyes it just that we are not able to see or is it that we dont want to...this ecapism attitude can kill i would like to say to all indians on this day`WAKE UP !!!!`

  2. ive kinda had a tiff wid my dad now---i cant think of nything tats more impt than women empowerment---equality..
    but a normal time i think all the things rithika n apoo said r equally impt..

    n most impt---stop cribbing---excercise ur right to vote---even if its abt choosing the best 4m the worst..n ya---n stop littering n spitting n urinating wherever u feel like---the earth's dying--n thr ll be nothing left 4 our children to grow up in!!!!

  3. Too good ritika... tooo good... i really dont get the spit anywhere and everywhere thing... even chewing gums...y do you have to put it under a desk or spit it on to the road?? sheesh ??? and why must you urinate just outside a pay and use toilet?? is 2re tooo much ???

  4. I agree with all of you. We need to build the India of our dreams. We all need to work together. Lets go get 'em! :)
