Friday, August 28, 2009

My Love is Vengeance....

We all found out today that life is wild and precious ,and we should make the most of it. I wish it was all that easy ! One thing is for sure that being in these shaky teen years are not that easy (even though I am 20, it's still the same) and we go through a lot of heartbreaks. It is obvious because in the older posts the one thing everyone complains is of being hurt by some idiotic guy. People find it quite easy to say- "Get over it!! He is not worth crying over....*blah blah*" but find it equally difficult to admit that they have gone through it too.

"No one knows what it's like to be mistreated, to be defeated." - that's what we say but open those eyes and you'll find thousands of girls falling in line! I went through it too, and to and extent still hurt by whatever happened but that doesn't mean I can't be open and share it with others. So let the words you write here be your vengeance. =)


  1. You guys start writing and slowly I'll fill in too !!! =D

  2. :) i have to say i agree with u Kruked!!! hugs!!! tho i think vl share these stories in col ;)!!!
