Saturday, August 22, 2009

Leaving on a jet plane..

It's 8 pm and I just got up. All the after effects of the sleep over I had been to is gone..I'm no longer sleepy but I'm sad 'cause all my friends are leaving. Hard to believe that the people you've grown up with since you were 5 are all going their seperate ways. But we all have to grow up sometime right? Right now though I'd give anything to go back to school. I sound all sad and melancholy but I can't help it, I will not see one of my closest friends for the next 5 years. This sucks!


  1. i know, i have moved soo often .. so i was used to the fact.. you make and then move on... but after coming to Bangalore i have made such good friends and guess what ?? FOR ONCE I AM NOT MOVING... almost three years in my own house and knowing that i will be here for a while (hopefully)..and one of my best-est friend moves out of Bangalore..this is soooo irritating... but i am used to this... and shes coming back in December! yaay!

  2. Yeah I know. It's so annoying. Sometimes I wish I could just freeze time. It's like the world waits for you to be happy and then snatches it all away from you. One of my bestest friends left Bangalore too. And she doesn't have internet access so keeping in touch is pretty expensive. So yeah Rithika - This sucks!

  3. totally agree with you of my best friend left bangalore for good and moved to a different continent altogether, and the fact that both of us grew up together, same school,same neighbourhood, we were practically sisters..... it was very hard for me at first but we still keep in touch "everyday" and actually we're closer than ever.... and as time goes by you realise that it doesn't really matter if we see each other everyday or not, it's the fact that we still are the same old buddies as we used to be and no amount of distance can take take that away from.
    now that's "TRUE FRIENDSHIP". :-)
