Saturday, July 18, 2009


I somehow am amused by reality shows... some because i don't understand how people can do it... some because they are interesting and some because just for the sake of it.. i feel that some of the reality shows are not actually real!! i was told that what ever happens in splitsvilla is scripted (by a person who went to work on the sets with them! )
So this makes me wonder how REAL are REALITY shows... and is it really necessary to script in masala to get TRPs??
I do not get why anyone would degrade themselves on national television for money(Moment of Truth)..Moreover when it is actually scripted?? and i cant believe that India has an Indian version of it..!!
I think shows like Rodies would do well even without all the bitching and cat fights !!
I enjoy some like rodies, Americas next top model,get gorgeous etc. Though i think that MTV's teen diva can do much better in their choice of teenagers on the basis of looks as well as personality!! well thats what i have to say... what about you ??


  1. ya..i agree.roadies is nice..its watchable bt splitsvilla is jst 'horrible'.idk how d parents of d participants even allow them to cum on show n behave so uglyly.sometimes i even wonder if their parents even care abt their children.its behaviour!!cant believe such bitchy ppl are alive!!god knws who is d creative head behind tht cheap show.some one should kick him hard.

  2. Whoa whoa girls! Watch that english!!

    What's wrong with splitsvilla? Just look at it as a form entertainment! If Shakespeare would have scripted the same shit, we'd all probably be reading it in text books. Blah.
    Some chick abuses on tv, vents her frustration, we enjoy, producer makes money- everyone's happy.
    Chillout ladies.

    And if you ACTUALLY cant believe such bitchy people exist then, please, step outside your precious little bubble!

    Shows like moment of truth work in the USA because hello- It IS the USA!
    Indian versions of these concepts, in terms of workability, definitely don't have my vote!

  3. ahha... it is very entertaining... but that brings me baxk to the cheap lame drama in them... is it real... or SCRIPTED ???

  4. Im not against the entertainment part of these reality shows but sometimes i really wonder if these participants get embarrassed watching themselves do such stupid things on national television!
    It is all scripted yo.. from their twists an drama an romance an fights an tasks.. everything is pre- planned!

  5. I have a view which is a mixture of what is being said above.
    YEAH its Pure Entertainment and something which you watch when your absolutely jobless ! Who does not like a little bit of drama...
    But there are some shows which really get me riled up with irritation, such as Splitsvilla(What the hell was MTV thinking!), Rakhi ka Swayamvar(Are you kidding me!), Dus ka Dum(Its high time Salman Khan realises what an idiot he looks like) etc. etc. I can go on but then that will take up god knows how many pages ! =)

  6. dude! that rakhi ka aswayamvar is really mental! what on earth is wrong with rakhi sawant! an all those men who come on that show! its ridiculous!! complete madness!

  7. @ mayuri
    yes i agree wit u.its totally mental.and rakhi is just fame hungry.d oda while i was just flipping channels i saw her show n i stopped to see wats happening.she was supposed to dance wit all d guys n wen she was asked who she liked dancing wit d most.she said sum mushy stuff for all d guys..except for one.she said"i didnt feel anything wen he touched my i didnt make a connection wit him"!!thts so ewww..

  8. hahahha... OMg... rakhi sawant is an idiot!! sheesh! ya, even i wonder weather people feel anything about the crap they do on national television..Now, comming to sach a samna... itz totally not made for Indians... what happens to the muthalik here?? isn't the culture n tradition of India being wrecked ?? Girls wearings jeans is a big No -NO.. but Indians exposing brutal truths about their lives is just fine!!!!!

  9. hmmm..i agree wid most of wats written..i mean- shows like roadies n americas next top model are lots of fun to watch....
    splitsvilla on the other hand was plain sexist last year...very cheap but still lotsa entertainment....but this yr it was jus cheap n insulting...even i wonder how their parents let them do wat they did 2 themselves..!!! answering tat question n saying--theyr prolly those ran away 4m home-fending 4 themselves-n not really succeeding kinda ppl...:P...

    apart 4m tat...i think shows like 'kya aap panchvi pass se tez hai' n kaun banega crorpati', n the new'sach ka saamna'...tats bullcrap..!!!i mean...y cant these ppl cum up wid their own ideas..instead of copying everything the americans do..!!! ver intelligent..CUMON!!!

    shows like indian idol..n all those other dance n singing shows hav bcum extremely overrated now...the 1st season was ok..but the whole idea of changing the judges every season..n the drama n fakeness clearly cums across...which makes it almost repulsive..!!
    n dus ka dum----ATROCIOUS!!! as it is im not a salman fan(no offence to the fans offcourse..)..

    n rakhis show--(i don even no the name...)...but i caught a glimpse of 1 of the episodes my mom was watching---n it so awful!!!she tries 2 cum across as all 'indian' n 'sati-savitri'...but...vve seen her b4 ppl!!!!!n the things she says...n when she cries while dumping sum guy--the fake cry...its AWFUL!!!n its so obvious shes fame-crazy...she always wants 2 make news!!! ..sumhow...all these shows make me not want to watch tv...bcoz thrs hardly nything good tats aired!!

  10. I love watching Rakhi ka Swayamvar for only one reason, her atrocious usage of English. She is one weird chick ! One minute she is talking perfect English and then suddenly her accent creeps into it and then the whole sentence sounds down right funny !!!!
    Well these people can't come up with their own concepts because they are too lazy to use their brains and come up with an original concept ! They like things which are readymade and that is seen very clearly in the Bollywood movies from so many years, so its bound to show up in the television industry as well.
