Sunday, August 16, 2009


We all keep talking about gender equality. It seems to be a never ending fight. However sometimes i think that its 'us' women who consider ourselves inferior.
We are for a fact the physically weaker sex. No arguments there. Some say we are too emotional as well.
Do we really want to be equal? Do we really want to have to open doors ourselves? Do we really want to have a bus with undivided space? Do we really want to have to pay for all our meals??? Do we really want men to stop putting in that extra effort??Do we really want no free entries into pubs??Do we really not want separate queues? Do we really want to get rid of 'Ladies first' ??
Because if we are equal, we must not be treated differently?? Right>>??

1 comment:

  1. A very relevant topic Nikita. I like it. But who said I don't want the above mentioned? I'd say its a privilege to be a woman! Enjoy every moment of it! And I believe a woman can do much better than a man in various aspects, with certain exceptions which, again, are very very few. And with regard to being the physically weaker sex, Karnam Malleshwari, who is very much a woman, won us a bronze medal in the 2000 summer Olympics at Sydney. So we have the physical strength as well right? Maybe someone as frail as me wouldn't have the physical strength but I'm sure some of you out there have what it takes to kick that man's arse! =D
