Tuesday, August 18, 2009

"LOVE" is in the AIR! ♥

Firstly, I'm sure all of you have been in love at some point of time. Now, LOVE doesn't just define feelings between two people. Pick SOMETHING, SOMEONE, SOMEPLACE, SOMETIME or anything else that I might not have added that you simply adore and have no words to describe the feeling. Anything that's on your mind at the moment, and all you can do is think about it. It can be ANYTHING, let me say that again. Something in the present that constantly makes you smile, laugh, blush or just wriggle in sheer joy! If it has any personal attachments to it and if you're not comfortable sharing it with us, then you can always refrain from mentioning it but something has to be up! It can be your dog, your friends, your hideout, your pack of ciggys, your college, your favourite coffee place/restaurant/nightclub, your teacher, your cellphone, the boy next door, your novel, music, writing on this blog, your haircut, your childhood, any memory, etc. Or just your LIFE in simple words. And for all those "*sigh* my life sucks" souls out there I'm not giving you any option. Put up anything you love to hate! :D

So now, take your time, think, smile, type, post! 1, 2, 3 GO! =)


  1. ok...im typing wats romantic to me---

    sipping black coffee while sitting on the window sill, wrapped in a blanky..watching the rain...

    a looooooong walk on the beach...or jus standing or sitting in the sand looking at the waves..

    candle light dinner..


    rainy day..gloomy dull weather..(except the muddy rds..--such a turn off!!)

    hugs, kisses, cuddling,sweet talking--but not very cheesy:P

    ..tats all i can think abt rite now...:)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My fondest memory is from the time I used to train as a swimmer. I would train from 4:30pm to 8:00pm. We would swim till our arms and legs fell off. Not to mention our eyes would burn due to the clorine which made us partially blind.

    One moonsoon day,
    It was around 7pm in the evening when I had reached the stage of partial blindness when every single light in the swimming pool went off leaving me standing in water, surrounded by darkness, drawing my eyes towards the moon.... Making me stand still, forgetting to breath.... fearing this moment would end.
    The tiles on the pool floor reflected the moonlight. Giving my surrounding a heavenly glow. I had never seen anything like it.
    The timer on the wall stopped as though hearing my exhausted body. In those few moments nothing in this world existed NOT even TIME!! Other than me standing in the pool looking at the moon and stars smiling at me, Reminding me that "LIFE IS BAEUTIFUL".

  4. The things that mes me go *sigh* is the memory of my friends in Pune! Had so many good times; sneaking in chicken in college,roaming the whole campus in the middle of the night trying to avoid the guards, sitting by the pool listening to one of my friends playing the guitar and so on and so forth! I can go on but that will just overload my computer. =)

  5. kruthika... let your computer rest dude. hehe!

    @ supritha: awesome super! i love what you've written!!

  6. omg super i just love....i can totally imagine the scene though it sounds freaky:):P
