Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Media Corner

Hello CommEians,

I'd like you'll to publish your views and thoughts about our very own Media Corner and what has to go into that and how we'd have to go about it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Sam. Is it alright with you if i call you that?
    Well, about the Media Corner, we've already discussed the main topics, food,music and dance,business.politics. current affairs,fashion,entertainment,sports,art,books an travel. I hope i haven missed out on anything. the basic plot about what goes onto those walls is decided but how much space do you think we'll utilize? Ms Sahana said we can start work by July, so in the meantime lets divide ourselves in groups an lets distribute the work among all of us.It makes it less complicated. What say people??

  3. Hey Mayuri and Sam..(we have taken the liberty to shorten your name..I hope you dont mind!!)I think that Mayuri's idea of getting into groups and distributing the work makes a lot of sense 'cause if we do that we can work more efficiently and make the media corner the BEST one ever!!!

  4. Hey Ritika. It will be don worry! Lets sit down together an plan this out. Lets also decide how often we change it an renew the wall.Im super excited so I have already started collecting material!

  5. Hey all,
    I was wondering, do we have to start working on the Media Corner in July or is everything already supposed to be up and running when July starts? And also, are we gonna stick to the Food theme?

  6. Hey guys ! I am game to the food theme as it made a lot of sense and also that we should get into groups as its a very practical solution for all of us. This whole July thing is still a bit of confusion so i suggest that we start planning from now itself as it will hopefully save us from being stuck at the last moment ! What say ?

  7. Hey all!
    Firstly, although it might be a little irrelevant, I'd prefer Summer(that's what most of my friends call me) than Sam.(Sam's so common!! LOL). But I'm glad you'll took the liberty to call me the latter.
    Coming to more important things, as all of you have rightly said we should probably allot different themes to different groups. Maybe the deciding factor could be where the person's specific interest lies. We should also take Sahana ma'am's consent before implementing our decisions. Which is pretty obvious as a matter of fact. And Its so nice to see such an enthusiastic bunch of friends! Me too, although I have to get started on something constructive. Take care.
    Cheers! <3

  8. hello! starting to plan it now sounds sensible, that way we can also keep an eye out for material we could use

  9. Summer! I completely agree with you. Its so much fun blogging because everyone is so super excited. Love reading all the comments. Hey Kritika i would love to do the food section with you. Sounds most exciting to me.

  10. Hey Mayuri !
    Since we both are so kicked up about the whole food idea I say we should just go ahead and carry on with the flow, as according to Sahana ma'am we are such a food orientated batch !! Now as the " Ice Breaker " seesion with our seniors is finally over, we should be able to solely concentrate on the Corner now. And I sure am excited about the "Food" we will provide for our audience !!! =) =D

  11. hey u guys!! its really nice to see everyone so active...... yea so now tat u people hav already decided on dividin ourselves into groups.... v need to discuss this in class coz i noticed not everyone's been active on the blog!!

  12. hey you guys! gosh! three days my internet lets me down and there are so many posts to read! Yay! =D
    Well, I think dividing ourselves into groups is the perfect idea, added on by the fact that if we divide ourselves based on passion, the outcome will be that much stronger. As they say, too many cooks spoil the broth! So, lets meet up guys! =D

  13. We need to figure out a foolproof method of dividing work, such that no one person, is weighed down by it all, while the rest file their nails or pick their noses or anything of the sort.

    I love this! like passing notes, but more fun!

    First on the agenda, should be deciding the theme, boiling down to the essential artwork. We'd arrived at the most neutral theme we could think of (for those who missed Monday's 2:10 meeting), a French cafe, the glass bearing the name and the door.
    If anyone has any more ideas, now would be a pretty good time to voice them or even in class tomorrow or whenever you deem fit, just remember that were working against the clock and are expected to have this thing up and running by july.

  14. The French cafe idea sounds brilliant!
    C'est tres bien! =)

  15. hey guys!!considering im sick and down with the flu!!i'm missing all the fun stuff and thats really sad!!super ideas..!! but i was thinking, why not otherwise have like a different set of cuisines every month//so you'll have like indian, chinese etc etc..i'm hoping you guys got what i mean't..!! this way our look every month would be different and eye catching yet i'm sure we will be able to figure put a way too make things easy to handle..!!

  16. Sorry to post mundane administrative things here- but I need the e-mail id's of Samanvita and Tulika because my phone ate them. Also, anyone else who hasn't contacted me about the media corner/ hasn't recieved my e-mail needs to do so by the end of sunday June 28th.

    Thanks guys!!


  17. well..putting ourselves into groups that we are most comfortable with makes sense, but at the same time we should make sure there are at least an equal number of people in each group. I mean everyone knows how much our class loves food, so we can't have like 10 people working on food!

    Also those who for some strange reason have no work to those who do. No picking of noses,cleaning of teeth,ears or general preening of one's self.

    Netra get well soon and Samanvita..Summer it is!!..:)
