Tuesday, June 23, 2009


This post should've come a lot earlier but I think my email id served to confuse Naquia and anybody/everybody else sufficiently. In my books though, its never too late .

I thought past all the cliches: "Lets get to know more about each other!!!", "Favourites", "Who likes what", "Memories", "Do you know...?"

I think we need to cultivate a sense of trust in the 30 odd we're destined to spend the next 3 years with. So this thread is dedicated to all your strifes, troubles (Us CommE girls should/must abandon use of the word "problem"), that pain in your backside, whatever grinds your gears, small victories, minor defeats, fears, jealousies, boy/girl trouble, delights, or anything you think deserves voice, viz, yours.
This is your sanctuary. Your shelter. That room you never had. You can stomp, bitch, laugh hysterically, cry wretchedly, throw tantrums that nobody would otherwise listen to, something that caught your attention that you want to share. This is the quarter for your deepest secrets (if your telling, Im listening), juicy gossip (that doesn't involve any of us), most irrational fears and anything you'd like to put out there.

And as fellow owners of this space we promise to not pass judgement of any kind, give advice ONLY when it is asked for and play counsel by LISTENING or in this case READING. (C'mon ladies, Lets play nice...)

Ive decided to call it ORIGAMI for one sheet of paper that you are bestowed with, gives you the authority to make of it, what YOU want.

Also, this is NOT a forum to discuss classroom activities, a STRICT NO-NO. Im more than certain there will be other forums for that. So, if you have questions regarding class, start a new post.

NOW, who will go first....?


  1. Cool post! I love the title!
    There have been quite a few things that have been bothering me of late:
    My dog is seriously unwell, my boyfriend is being a bitch. I'm extremely jealous of my fat cousin who got a new Mac! :|

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I need to go sleep!
    Will come back to whine/bitch/express real soon.

    Once again madhavi, thanks...
    (C'mon girls, have a go!)

  2. Love the title too and it just serves the purpose !! =D

    My friend a.k.a my ex-boyfriend is a confused idiot and in the process is confusing me too. My health is starting to annoy me and my parents need to chill out a bit ! For god's sake I am 20 !!!!

    Well, that felt real good. *Phew*

  3. No secret desires? Or confessions eh? *ahem*

  4. i love this whole idea too...n the name n all....very fancy..i like:) <3

    ok...my problems---here goes---

    i feel like im gonna burst!!!!! thrs 222 much sadness....n hurtfulness n pain...(n 4 some vague reason...i don wanna tell y....but..actually its pretty obvious..but...then again..its a mixture of different things..)...so..ya..im just so sad all the time....n im not like this...i WAS sucha cheerful smilie person...n now..its like im almost letting the sadness take over....like im getting used 2 living like tat...n its really scary....
    n ive tried..i really have..ive tried being fake happy--(which has worked a lotta times before...),...ive tried jumping around dancing n all...n ive tried to do things tat make me happy...but...they just dont seem to last!!!
    so...help me out..pls..!!! coz..i dont like being like this:((

  5. i think that my parents need to chill....apparently 2 years of living alone hasn't allowed them to adapt to/accept the fact that I am and ADULT now. My grandfather has just been diagnosed with cancer. My best friend is drifting away...


  6. lol..sandhya..!! i hope you dont mind me saying this..!! but maybe you should look at the brighter side of things and try thinking about those things that keep you happy instead of dwelling on whatever is making you sad..!! also untill you set your ming to try and start making a genuine effort i don't think anyone can help!!nobody can help you until you want to help yourself:)

  7. Now thats a whole lotta interesting comments! Oh and thanks for the brilliant post Madhavi =)
    For all those peeps who've said their parents need to chill, join the club, all parents need to chill! But they're obviously worried about us because they care so just let them be.
    @ Clueless: Hope your doggie and your bf and hope your jealousy gets well soon. And hey, I totally understand the jealousy, everyone has their green moments!
    @ Kruthika, Gayathri & Sandhya: Gaythri, I'm sorry about your grandmom. Hope she gets well asap. Guys, we all go through this "depressing, sad" phase in our lives. C'est la vie! As Netra rightly said, just try looking at the positive side of things. Just think of how privileged we are right now to be expressing our feelings and emotions on this one platform, it makes thing a teensy-weensy bit easier doesn't it? So smile ladies! =)
    Hmmm, now when it comes to my problem..
    My mom almost got electrocuted the other day and now she's laid up with a severe lower back ache and to see her like that is unbearable. I just have to be thankful that nothing worse happened.
    Can you'll please help me get through this?

  8. @Sandhya & Samanvita
    Guys don't worry ! We are young and are resilient enough to get through anything and everything. Its the way things work ! And also the fact that when you need someone you now know where to turn to because its an unsaid fact that we will always be there for each other. =)

    I am so sorry about your granddad and I know how that feels. My granddad has Parkinsons and for the past 2 years I have always been scared as to if he'll still be able to walk around the next time I see him, or if he'll be able to talk to me.Over this time my chirpy granddad has become so quiet and withdrawn and we always have to be careful to see that he ha not his balance.

    Boyfriends can be bithches and I think all girls know it and relate to it ! =D
    And plus now that you've told me who he is I can understand completely, so chill out because you should never let yourself be a doormat when it comes to them ! And I hope I'm not harsh, so tell me if you think I am.

  9. @ Summer: omg! :( :( thats such an awful thing to happen! take care of your mum, girl... *Hugs!*

    Kruths: that wasnt harsh dude, chill! i'm not a wuss... wont cry, dont worry.. haha :P and thanks.. yeah i know i'll get past it all... ;)

    Gayathri: *more hugs*

    Sandhya: we have a 3 day off, why dont you go someplace to take your mind off things? Or go shopping... Make friends with funny people... Visit jokes.com... skip, dance. dont let your small head think so much.

    Netra is the cheeriest of the lot so i want to ask her what she's been reading these days... :P

    Madhavi? You there?
    Have you nothing to say? :P

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  11. Wow Madhavi! This is brilliant. Just what we all need to become closer than close can be, after all, we're all going to be each other's shoulder to cry on at some point or the other!

    I agree with Summer, all parents are downright worried about us,( mine more so after the orientation!) so let's just let them get over themselves!

    Sandhya, or Sandy for short? =)
    Don't worry girl, you're not alone in the sad and depressed phase. I'm with you. =) I'll tell you what I'm doing to get over it, see if it works for you. I dance, as it brings me joy from within. When I dance, I lose all sorrows and am just content with flowing with the music. Try something like that, something that brings you joy from within. =)

    Gayathri! I'm so sorry about your Grand-dad!

    Summer=) Your mom's getting better no?

    Ms. Clueless ;) Chill, boyfriends have to be bitches, else they wouldn't be as pleased about themselves as they are =) Such big egos they have!

    Sigh, time to talk about my "troubles". Well, I'm in love with my best friend, I'm scared of blood and I keep either meeting with or witnessing accidents and I can't seem to make happiness last!! Considering how I'm a naturally bubbly and crazy person, this is VERY distressing! Sigh, I suppose everyone goes through hard times, right?

    Anyway, cheers all! Hope you have a brilliant weekend! I'm going birthday shopping! Yay!

    Till later then!
    Au Revoir!

  12. Thanks to you lovely ladies for all of the love, support and advice!!!

    Would anyone be interested in a de-stressing shopping trip this weekend? If so, give me a call...

  13. @SAM:awww that's bad.But yeah as you yourself said, its a miracle by itself that nothing more happened cause electrocuted is a strong word.Ur mom will get through it.the most you can do is read to her or something.make her food.help around the house.and i'm sure she'll be very happy even in the state that she is in.hope she gets well soon.my wishes !!
    @GAYATHRI:apparently,u arent the only 1 going through this problem.all PARENTS,TRUST ME ALL OF THEM !! need to chill .I no i'll be sounding very cliche but "it's for our own good".And moreover,if your the only child then u have to understand what they're going through.so they are obviously protective of u !!anyways ,but for ypur sake,and the sake of the whole student community i hope n pray that not only yours but every single parent in this world learns to relax a bit and understand that we are growing up too =D
    @KRUTHIKA:the same advice to you too about the parents part.hmmm we come to the ex boy friend part.here goes,their all very confused in life,i mean boys .tell me who is not.so its better to keep away from this spiecies as they are the most capable(believe me,not even GOD)to mess with our minds.and oh do take care of your health.cheers
    @APEKSHA:BOY FRIENDS ARE ALWAYS BITCHES!so that not a problem as such.just the way of nature.about your dog,awww thats sad.hope he gets well soon.and c,your cousin is fat.doesnt that itself make you feel better.would you want a mac or whatever is that and be as fat as her? no!lol god gives some people some things.

    Iv tried my best in helping others out.So if someone can help me deal with my problem,ill be happy =P
    it is as trivial as -i want to loose some weight and grow taller.Is growing taller possible seeing that i'm 17.so all you supermodels out there please contribte .And all the wanna be weight loosers like me,please watch out for this space!

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  15. @summer-sorry about the sam part.i jus realised you like to be called summer:D

  16. Now, this feels like sleepover on the internet. All we need now is some sappy chick flicks, gooey pizza, and a little escapism.

    TO ALL:
    Boys are tools. Wait around for the few times he's actually using some portion of his brain to think and that will be worth watching, HOWEVER, cant do with 'em can't do without. My best friend happens to be my Ex in a flurry of complication and today was the first time i saw him since i got back from Pune (In May)

    My parents refuse to acknowledge the fact that I am 19 (Gayathri, i feel your pain.) They're still waiting to see me "be responsible". Apparently the fact that i spent a year away from home, living in hostel, counts for nothing.

    Ive been trying to lose wieght for the last three years, and also shed the apprearence of an overgrown baby (with reference to the cheeks). So Apoorva, if you hear of anything, well go in on it together, Misery loves company ;)

    Im dissatisfied with life in college, the only redemption to which is you guys. These are supposed to be the three greatest years of my life, and it feels like a chore. The sole reason i even come to college is to share a common platform with you guys in CommE or english. So far, my grand return to Bangalore has just left
    me Jaded. I dont know what to do.

    Oh and I must Inform
    Party at my place for whoever can be there, My parents are out ALL of next week. :)

  17. hey guys...i love tht this does rele feel lik a sleepover..comin to my prob, i hate coll n writins makin me sick!!i seem to feel a major complex in commE:(:(n lifes extremely borin...aw i think al o ul rock..je taime..tc

  18. Man! 1st of all, Madhavi, thanks for this post! It really brightens us up, that we all have someone to discuss all this with!

    @ Sandhya - I seriously think I can relate myself to you, I mean, I was NEVER a depressed soul, and being IN MCC for 2 years, I still feel I'm so alien!! So you've got company! I really hope you feel better soon!

    @ Gayathri - Jeez. I'm really sorry about that girl. :( Our prayers are with her, and I hope she recovers. *Faith* works wonders. :) We are with you.

    @ Everyone : Are guys such a BIG pain in the medulla oblongata?! :| (Confession : They can be, I mean, seriously. :( ) AND.. Parents have to chill out. Do tell me how parents act when you are actually the older child?
    My friends ARE just drifting away, yes. Family is falling apart. And I cannot find myself smiling again. :( And it's a SICK feeling in the gutt. I really can't watch any of those happy movies! Makes me so soppy! :( And the memories give me a heart break. :(

    Take care guys. It's like an eternity band now, we are in this TOGETHER for 3 WHOLE years!!

    - Sneha.

  19. @ Madhavi : About the guys part, *HUGS*! :P Omg! Hahah!
    Boy : Can you understand my feelings? Just understand me for once okay, please?

    Girl : Do you understand me?

    Boy: No I DON'T! Not in this century, no! Never!

    Girl : Then how can you expect me to understand you?

    Boy : Argh!! You are difficult to understand.
    (The person who said who couldn't understand.)

    Confused chickens I'd say.

    And oh! Party? ;) Sounds fun! So we ACTUALLY get permission to wreck your place? ;) *Giggles* Kidding! :)

    @ Gayathri : SHOPPING!? Did you say?? :D I'm listening! :)

    - Sneha.

  20. this thread just keeps on getting better baby!! :D
    i have so much to say again!

    Gayathri: can we please find a SHORT pet name for you?? G-a-y-a-t-h-r-i is just humungous! :P And shopping?? Please tell me you're not talking about saturday?! I wont be in town! :'(

    Mads: (i'm taking the liberty of calling you that) Party? Our first actual class sleep over?! Lets start a new post about that so we can make it happen :D
    About the encounter with your ex, that must have been weird. As far your grand return to bangalore is concerned: hey! you've got us! i'm sure we can make it fun for you. Hang in there!

    Sneha: I didnt know you blogged girl! Will go over your archives again later...
    LOL @ the "confused chickens" bit!
    and your family is falling apart?? that is a serious thing to say! i do hope things get better at your end... and real soon too :)

    Tulika: right there with you in the whole "complex in class" scenario. sometimes i feel my writing is crap pitched against someone else's :| sigh!

    Naquia?? B'day shopping?? Do let us know when is it that you blow out candles...

    @ Apoo: losing weight is easy if you ditch rice, stick to wheat, drink 5 litres water through the day, walk for 20 minutes and do a breathing exercise for 20 more. What really helps is giving up on salt, totally. And play a new sport. I'm sure it'll help :P

    PS: Whew! My finger tips hurt from all the typing :P

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  22. WOW !! :O
    The last time I checked this post was yesterday and man is it growing fast !!
    You know, not just Boyfriends but BOYS in general can be bitches ! And I thought being a bitch was something a girl would normally would be. Well I gues I'm being prove wrong every single second !! =D

    I'm right there with you !! I want to lose weight too and grow taller as well. My dad is 6 ft and my YOUNGER brother is 6'1 and I feel so tiny !! *SOB SOB*

    Party sounds real good ! The only thing I'm worried about is your cute little dog. And I'm sorry to all the dog lovers but I have to confess that I am shit scared of them !
    Don't worry about the whole being jaded part because you know very well I know how you loved Pune. And I also know how reluctant you were to be back, so just remember we all are there and we are going to have a FANTASTIC 3 years !!

    Clueless is right, we do need to find a pet name for you. Well shopping sounds amazing and I would like to know where to sign up ???

    Writing when no one is around is so much better as there is nobody to judge it.

    No worries ! Since I can relate to an extent, why don't you ask him casually if he likes some other girl just to make sure that there isn't anybosy else and then we can decide what your next move should be. Correct me if I am wrong you guys, because I'm not the only girl other than Su who has been in this situation.

    Naquia beware because your put your own foot in your mouth by making us aware that your birthday seems to be creeping up soon ! And I'm sure you know by know how much of a food oriented batch we are. =)

    Love all of you guys and just do me a favour and PLEASE reply to my post also as I'm sure its starting to feel lonely !! (HEHEHE....)

  23. @ Kruthika : You didn't have anything to say to me? :P And you are talking about lonely? :P

  24. @Amy
    AWWW!! I missed you out ! How could I do that !!! =)
    Well we really missed you when you were sick. I loved you conversation piece and I completely love the adjective you gave. Confused is PERFECT !! And yes my 'post' feels lonely...not ME !! Why should I ? After all I am part of this crazy bunch of people. =D

    See is you really like him and if you are good friends, then don't scream at him immediately because who knows, it may make it worse. Be a little patient, and I am specifying on little because otherwise he will think he can walk all over you. Wait it out a bit and see if he calms down. If he's taking to much time to mellow down then you can confront him.
    So why don't we wait and watch. Sounds ok with you ???

    Ok guys, I have officailly become the agony aunt of our batch !!! *sob sob*

  25. thanks 4 all the advice guys...<3
    since some u wanna LOSE weight...i want advise to GAIN some...really...LOOK AT MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! apart 4m eating lots...if u have nything to say...ill whole-heartedly welcome it...coz---I eat ALOTT!!!! trust me!!!

    n nyway...i really think...all of u who want to lose weight look great...u totally don need to...i donno y thrs so much fuss being made abt it...!!!!
    wait.....mayb--the grass is greener on the other side:))

    *hugs* n *kisses*
    lots of love <3
    Sandy...(yes...tats ok.,...4 short..)

  26. lol.. hahah clueless:) i've been reading nothing!!hahha..thankfully right now there's nothing from keeping me from being happy:):) so i'm planning on spreding the disease around:):)hehhe..:):)

  27. lol..omg..!!!two days and bang!!you guyz have put up like a million things!!! PHEW!!!
    for all you girls who are having boy trouble!!forget the piece of shits and get on with life:)so much easier and what more do you need when you have your best friends with you?!?! just think of it as the boys loss, cuz he's obviously lost out on someone as great as you girls!!!not worth it!!! you'll are too good to go through this rubbish!!!!
    the girls who want to loose weight!!exercise and eat healthy!!!avoid having rice in the night and eat good citrus fruits so it keeps you from eating junk!!
    and for all those who are depressed!!girls the weather is great. wear those nice clothes of yours, go out with friends, watch a chick flick so come bitchin and trust me life will semm absolutely blissful:):)

  28. omg i can't believe this post grew into a commE sleepover party! We do need to find a nickname for me- I'll leave that up to you guys (I think Nikita has some ideas).

    Girls, remember we are strong, independent women....ready to take on the world! Guys are great when you have them, but honestly, we're absolutely fine without. I know how tough body image/ weight issues can be- especially with indian mothers and their need for the "ideal". Otherwise, I fell in love with my best friend too (i didn't tell him), and then he came out of the closet LOL. So we're still best friends, stuff happens.

    It's going to be an interesting 3 years from here on in....

  29. Girls I'm finally here! No applause required :D

  30. and OMG! I cant believe I missed soo much...!!!

    Neways for all those who want to lose weight.. I suggest you dont... I dun think any of us is fat. If you think you're fat, you think wrong. Here's summin I read somewhere.. You know you're fat when -

    You're standing at one end of the blackboard and you turn around and you realise that you've wiped the whole board clean!

    You're checking your weight and the weighin

    You're standing and you bend down to look at your feet, but cant see it.

    See what i mean!?

  31. @ Su : Heyyy! :) :P

    @ Kruthika : I can't believe I'm saying it, buh yeah! I missed myself being there when I was sick too! :( (People would consider me crazy to be missing college. Lol!) And as for guys.. MAN. They are CONFUSED. Period.

    @ Netra : Totally true about the guys part! *Hy fy!* What about people who might not have any 'best friends'? :) Coz all my friends ALWAYS seem to be busy for me. :)

    Pah! Sometimes life is so sad and gloomy like the 'ugly cloud'! =D

  32. amy!!there's always someone you'll have to talk to!!and if your friends are too busy to talk to yoy,then their really not good friends are they?!?! considering as a friend you should always have time for each other no matter what!!!
