Saturday, September 19, 2009

When they call upon you...

Here's a little something that I did write, and thought would make absolute sense, at least for people like me. A little motivation to LEAD your life, and not let it lead you, can go a long way, possibly. :)

When opportunity knocks at your door,
make sure it finds you
ready, strong and determined,
To find, struggle and win.

When disappointment calls upon you,
Let it not be a stranger
because it's the best disguise
a blessing can change into.

When failure storms at you,
welcome them with contentment of completion
give them a consoling word
and an encouraging smile, if you can.

And let me remind you of sorrow!!
A frequent visitor as long as you live
but it's visit grow rear and short
as you learn to share and give.

When grudge and revenge give you a glance,
and want to rest in you, a while
tell them there's no room at all
for thieves of happiness and smile.

Of them all, the best is love,
the best visitor you ever can get
treat this kind young heart
with due, sincere respect!
